Outdoor Games and Gear

Under the Radar: Three Up-and-Coming Bands Worth a Listen

Under the Radar: Three Up-and-Coming Bands Worth a Listen

The weather has been frightful and for those of you living in an area where you can’t be outside enjoying time with friends and one of SeaTurtle Sports’ games, we think some good new tunes are the next best thing to keep you entertained and in a positive mood.

We've got some great names for you. Three, to be precise, and they're all more than worthy of making your next playlist. They're also all relatively new to their own respective scenes, so prepare to have some seriously swollen hipster cred by the time you finish this article. Without further ado, let's get to the list:


Mystery Skulls

Addictive melodies and insane music videos have been the winning combo for the Skulls. The LA outfit's 2014 release, Forever was the first full-length look we've gotten of them, and it was glorious. Song after song of pure electro-sugar bliss. Seriously, if you can make it through a Skulls song without at least nodding along, you're made of sterner stuff than we are. Play 'em for your next over-caffeinated dance party, or for whenever you need a shot of musical energy.


Listen to this: “Paralyzed”


Young & Sick

No matter how much the name might suggest it, we're not dealing with some unusually weepy metal band here. Young & Sick is actually a weirder creature – and dare we say, a much nicer one. Check some of their songs, and you'll be tapping into the purest vein of synthpop you'll ever find this side of the 80's. You couldn't ask for a better cure for a bad mood.


Listen to this: “Heartache Fetish”


Cross My Heart Hope to Die

Alright, last one, and we've saved the baddest of all for you. Cross My Heart comes courtesy of DJ Muggs, he of Cypress Hill fame. They're a hard act to label. Snarky, dreamy, swaggering – you'll probably just have to give them a listen. Cross My Heart songs come in a couple of different flavors. “Rollercoasting” might work well for a quiet, contemplative listen. “Two Shots” on the other hand, is classic feel-like-a-badass pump music. Put it on right before your recreational kickball team goes into battle.


Listen to this: “Two Shots”

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