Backyard BBQ Party Ideas
Following our suggestions for some fun ideas to get in before summer ends, we thought we’d provide you with some of our tips for making your barbeque party a success based on our own experience:
Have more than one grill. This will allow you to cook more food faster, so there is less wait times for your guests. Also, this tactic will allow you to cook different types of meat or fish on each grill without mixing them together.
Have a wide variety of entertainment available. Provide your guests with a variety of activities that will keep them active and engaged throughout the party. Pair our Beach Bocce Ball set with card games, a round of football, and a drinking game if it’s an adult-only party.
Have a side dish contest. Give a prize to the guest who brings the best tasting side dish. Let your guests be the judge by having them write down their favorite side dish anonymously and tally the votes near the end of the barbeque.
Finally, end the BBQ with a bang. Sparklers are a great way to end any event. Just be safe and follow all special handling instructions to ensure your event ends in a positively memorable way.
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